Live consultation, Zoom, Teams or even Inhouse, tailored for your business.
We are in cooperation with
Business Management
Human Resources Management
We cover all aspects of human resources management by considering the targets of the companies. We teach you how to develop and maintain these systems.
HR Analytics
Employer Branding
Talent Management
Book a consultation with our Human Resources professionals.
Business Start-up
Business Plan
Startup consultants assess you in finances, human resources, company procedures, marketing efforts and more to secure an identifiable brand presence, a promising brand reputation and the ability to scale.
Book a consultation with our start up experts.
Investment and Finance Consultation
German M&C Academy´s financial professionals provide investors with investment products and advices. We do in-depth work on formulating investment strategies for you as individual or company. We help you fulfill your needs and reach your financial goals.
Book a consultation with our investment and finance professionals.
Digital Transformation
Companies are constantly under pressure to successfully adapt to the changing challenges of the market. Equipping a company with new digital products, models and technologies for the future is not easy. But let us be honest: there is no way around digitization if you want to continue to be profitable.
Book a consultation with our Digital Transformation professionals.
Career Consultation
For all those who want to develop professionally. Professional orientation, personal development and assistance in your application (CV and Cover letter).
Book a consultation with our Career Consultants
Health Management
Nutrition Consultation (with certification)
Nutrition involves the study of macronutrients and micronutrients in foods and how those substances interact with the body. Also, how certain foods may impact medical weight loss goals. This topic is one that a nutrition consultant is highly informed about. The nutrients that you will study include fats, proteins, carbohydrates, and vitamins.
Book a Consultation with our nutrition professional and become a certified nurtrition consultant (with exam)
Motopedi (Turkish) (Sertifikalı)
Motopadie, çocuklarda, ergenlerde ve yetişkinlerde psiko-, duyusal ve sosyo-motor performans, algı ve davranış sorunlarının tedavisi için bir yöntemdir. Motopadie’nin amacı, çocuğun kendi bedeni, materyali ve oyun partneri ile ilgili kendi yetenekleriyle ilgili olumlu bir deneyim temelinde hareket etme yeteneğini arttırmaktır. Motopädie, çocuklara güvenilir süreçler ve kurallarla güvenli bir ilişki sunar. Motopadie, çocuklarda, ergenlerde ve yetişkinlerde psiko-, duyusal ve sosyo-motor performans, algı ve davranış sorunlarının tedavisi için bir yöntemdir. Merkezi yaklaşım, hareket halindeki beden ile insan ruhu arasındaki etkileşimlerin, psikomotor teriminde ifade edildiği gibi kullanılması gerektiği harekettir. Motopedistler güç odaklı çalışırlar. Alman Motopadie Meslek Birliği (DBM) profesyonel alanı kapsamlı bir şekilde tanımlamaktadır. Motopadie 1950’lerin ortalarında spor eğitimcisi Ernst J. Kiphard tarafından çocuk ve ergen psikiyatristleri Elisabeth Hecker ve Helmut Hünnekens ile birlikte geliştirildi. Motopädie, motopedagoji ve mototerapiyi içerir. Çalışmanın odağına bağlı olarak, motopedik çalışma daha eğitici-önleyici veya tedavi edici-rehabilite edicidir.
Sertifikalı Motopedi uzmanı olun!
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